The Knee Jerks Story

In fall of 2008, layabout blogger "Big Al" Beaton and ink-stained wretch Greg Eno began holding weekly Internet chats about Detroit sports, publishing the edited transcript on their respective web sites. The chat was called, "WTF? The Knee Jerks with Eno and Big Al." After about six months of that nonsense, the boys decided to take the wordy chats to the podcast airwaves.

In late May of 2009, the first episode of "The Knee Jerks" was forever etched onto the Net, available for download, via the Blog Talk Radio platform.

Originally broadcast live every Monday night at 11:00 p.m. ET, the "Jerks" brand of in-your-face, unleashed Detroit sports talk "with an attitude" ran for two hours and the Pistons, Red Wings, Lions and Tigers were in the weekly rotation consistently. Guests ranging from authors to former athletes and coaches to fellow bloggers and mainstream media folks populated each episode.

An original element was (and continues to be) the awarding by Eno and Big Al of their respective "Jerk of the Week," which is not a good thing to be, as you can tell by the title.

The show moved to 9:00 p.m. in December 2009 and finally to 7:00 in February 2010 (the guys are not spring chickens, you know!)

In February 2011, the show began appearing on the Sports Geeks Radio Network, also hosted by Blog Talk Radio.

In March 2011, "Whose Birthday Is It?" debuted, featuring Eno giving Big Al clues as to the identity of a sports figure whose birthday was on the day of that particular episode.

In December 2011, Yahoo! Sports' Adam Biggers joined the team for "Adam Rants", a bi-monthly segment featuring Biggers taking the stage for a few minutes, ranting, and Eno and Big Al responding.

Adam thus joined Red Wings/NHL Insider Matt Hutter (The Third Jerk)  and Lions/NFL Insider Mike Schottey (The Fourth Jerk) as frequent "Knee Jerks" contributors. So that makes Adam the Fifth Jerk (or the Four-and-a-Halfth Jerk).

Each May around Memorial Day, the Jerks celebrate their annual anniversary show. May 21, 2012 will mark the three-year anniversary of The Knee Jerks, including some 140+ episodes in that time frame!

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